Bookmarks, Good Reads, Science

How Gravity Explains Why Time Never Runs Backward

Explores the nature of time through theories of entropy and complexity and the influence of gravity on the concept of time (Interstellar!).

Took me a couple of reads to get it with some additional reading on Wikipedia for a few concepts.

“It’s just fascinating for us to think that the reason we remember yesterday and not tomorrow is because of conditions near the Big Bang”

Read the article on Wired


Bookmarks, Culture, Good Reads

Robin Williams’ divine madness will no longer disrupt the sadness of the world

By Russell Brand

One of the best obituaries for one of the best artistes of our times.

“We sort of accept that the price for that free-flowing, fast-paced, inexplicable comic genius is a counterweight of solitary misery. That there is an invisible inner economy that demands a high price for breathtaking talent.” – Russell Brand

Read the article on The Guardian

